There are Appraisals and there are Appraisals
I cannot stress how important it is to have the market value of your business properly appraised by a professional who has the required level of expertise and experience to do it correctly. Whether you are selling or buying, it is critical to know the current market value and return on investment. This information gives […]
Return on Investment when Buying a Business
What is Return On Investment “Return on Investment a ratio between net profit (over a period) and cost of investment (In business and accounting, net income is an entity’s income minus cost of goods sold, expenses, depreciation and amortization, interest, and taxes for an accounting period) In business, the purpose of the return on investment […]
Why ‘Sell Your Business Analyst’
Having been self-employed my whole working life I understand the hardships encountered starting, buying, building, operating and selling a business. You would think it gets easier as you go along but that is rarely the case. Certainly one of the hardest aspects, is knowing how to successfully sell your business when you want out at […]
5 Things to Consider when Buying a Business
01 Buying a business is usually the second most important and costly purchase most people will make in their lifetime after the family home. In some cases, it is the most important and costly. Do you believe getting some professional advice could save you and your family a mountain of pain and heartache? 02 Before […]
Essentials for Selling any Business
Selling a family business is still one of the most important decisions that you will ever have to make because it is a final decision, not like other decisions you have had to make running the business. It is my firm belief that in order to sell any business there are a few essential things […]
69 Impediments to a Successful Business Sale
There are at least 69 reasons why only about 1 of every 5 businesses listed for sale actually SELL You should be aware of the following 69 obstacles that might be encountered and should be overcome or disclosed if you want to successfully SELL YOUR BUSINESS! Business Owner’s Failure to Plan for a Sale ( […]